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Intro - Anne Frank The Anne Frank Fonds was established in Basel in 1963 by Anne Frank's father Otto Frank as a charitable foundation and designated as his universal heir Anne Frank - Wikipedia Early life Frank was born Annelies or Anneliese Marie Frank on 12 June 1929 at the Maingau Red Cross Clinic in Frankfurt Germany to Edith (ne Hollnder) and Anne Frank - - Biographycom Anne Frank was a teen writer who went into hiding during the Holocaust journaling her experiences in the renowned work The Diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank Museum Amsterdam - the official Anne Frank Anne Frank the Diary and the Secret Annex The most complete and current information with unique photos and film images The Diary of Anne Frank (1959) - IMDb Directed by George Stevens With Millie Perkins Shelley Winters Joseph Schildkraut Richard Beymer Harrowing story of a young Jewish girl who with her family and Ana Frank - Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre Ana Frank; Ana Frank en 1940 Informacin personal; Nombre de nacimiento: Annelies Marie Frank : Nombre en alemn: Anne Frank : Apodo: Ana Anne: Nacimiento: 12 de Anne Frank House - Wikipedia The Anne Frank House (Dutch: Anne Frank Huis) is a writer's house and biographical museum dedicated to Jewish wartime diarist Anne Frank The building is located on a Anne Frank Museum - officile website Anne Frank Huis Anne Frank het dagboek en het achterhuis De meest complete en actuele informatie met unieke historische fotos en filmbeelden Anne Frank: The Whole Story (TV Mini-Series 2001 ) - IMDb With Ben Kingsley Hannah Taylor Gordon Tatjana Blacher Brenda Blethyn When the war began she was only a little girl When it ended she was the voice of a Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect In 2016 the Anne Frank Center became the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect to reflect our organizations work on the civil and human rights issues of today
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